In my previous article of Being Happy In Life I ( i have discussed certain things about being happy in life as how the childhood brought up help us to make our nature, the habit of looking at the positive things in every negative situation help us to learn something new from the situation.
Since a decade there is lot being discussed, communicated, published through books also on how to retain the happiness of mind. This is fast world and everybody is running in their own races. As time doesn't stop for anybody so the pressure to perform better and to complete certain goals in life is utmost important for a living. So this stress is not allowing us to pay much attention to ourselves rather our physical and emotional well being. We are juggling between lot of things in life. And if we pay less attention to any one of them then it is bouncing back to us. So it is important to know our priorities, as well as understanding our limitations is very important. I would rather say a constant happy feeling is very important because it is the sign of our healthy body and mind. It is the foundation for whatever goals we achieve in our life.
Now in this article i will discuss some more things which really help us to create a happy life for us:
1. Having Realistic Goals In life:
We must have some goals in our life and in order to motivate ourselves in life we can break those goals into small actions and then should design a strategy and action plan in order to fulfill those goals. Only you should keep in mind that you should have realistic goals, not unrealistic goals. Means an ordinary man if keep a goal like he should have 10 Hummers 😄 then it looks unrealistic. If the guy could make the plan realistic then it is more of piece of luck connecting to his hard work. Anyway talking about realistic goals, we should timely track the progress on those actions. Completing small small actions during the goal completion also gives a direction to your life to work towards it ; as well as help you to retain happiness in your life. There should be some timeline defined for completion of those goals. If this foundation is good then only we can do great things in life. Understand that i don't mean by great things means; something phenomenal only. But a thing or a goal accomplished by you which could be great success for you though for others it may be an ordinary thing. But that great thing could be a phenomenal thing for you. Just think how much happiness such goal completion can give you. And so it improves your mood and your zeal to do something better day by day. So it increases your happiness in life.
When i was about to complete a decade in my IT career i used to take 2 days leave in a month after a interval of 15 days. I used to call those 2 days as Introspection days. On those days i was not using mobile phone, no laptop, no reading books, if possible no TV. But i used to write down answers of 2 questions that what i accomplished recently in personal or professional life and is it still in progress or completed and what i would be doing next to it. It helped me to create small goals for me and to track progress of it. Then it put me a habit of asking a question to me 'What Next?'. I understood that it helped me to learn new technical skills, improved my managerial skills, improved my leadership skills, improved my knowledge and helped me to continue this more joy giving activity for quite a longer time.
2. Being Honest to Yourself:
I believe that every individual is unique in this world and we definitely learn something new from each individual we meet in the life's journey. We meet different people eventually. There is nothing like time wasted, rather there is always time invested, may be less or more. Because Best people come in your life give you good memories, Good people give you good time spent with them and Bad people by their behavior with you teach you lessons in your life that at least you should never behave that way with others in you life. Now there would be some people who will say there is nothing like good and bad, false and truth. It is their perspective towards life. So if they deny thereafter it is there in this world as it is part of this world. When we grow we are taught certain things in our family, in our schools and we start becoming like that. We become with some values and principles and it teaches us to behave in a certain way in life. But some children always live with their parent's wishes though they become elder also. And some are more lucky who take their decisions themselves in their life and live entirely their life. They live life of they exactly want to do in their life. It is the right way actually but the disadvantage here could be that all the children may not be too clever to do this. So the less clever children's decision can be taken by parents. In general for the clever children's parents should not put their burden of wishes on them. As it is the children's life so they should let them take their decisions by their own. Parents can educate them to visualize certain directions but should let the children to take decisions for them. Nowadays i see children may not be letting their parents to put their wishes on them.
Since my 10th standard my parents encouraged me to take all my decisions by myself. In the starting like most of the children i also used to feel whether i could be able to take right decisions or not. But the confidence given by them and the trust shown by them in me helped me to take decisions by myself and luckily till now all my decisions became successful. In this process i understood that it is always better that the child take their decisions by their own. Likewise in this process they start introspecting unknowingly and then start understanding for certain decisions what it want in their life, how they want certain things in their life. They try to become honest with them. But it may not be easy process for the child to be a decision maker as it requires lot of study of inner self, improving certain traits in them, working on their weaker attributes, polishing their strongest attributes and raising their confidence. I believe that -
Confidence is the best ornament one should wear daily.
When somebody else take decisions on our behalf we live their life. And later after some years we understand we didn't want to do those things itself. And then we feel disappointed a lot. So it is always better you to take decisions of your life. You may be successful in those decisions, you may fail also. But when you are successful the success is completely yours and when you fail at least you don't repent that somebody else took decisions for you and so you failed. So you own both success and failure. Timely we should have self talk and we should honestly answer questions to yourself. You can not pretend to be happy for a longer time and so the fake happiness fades within some days. So better have self talk, take the decisions of life yourselves and honestly live the life you want. In human life time is very important. I believe that -
Money is very powerful but there is something which is more powerful than money and that is time. Time once lost can't be buy back with money also. So honor the time and make the right use of time.
So when we have time we must take action during that time. And the best we try to take the right action during the time. Only planning doesn't work. Otherwise we need to repent on the gone time if the action is not taken at the right time. Even i appreciate if the action taken is not fruitful and it fails because a person who makes mistakes is always better than the one who doesn't take any action and do nothing. Only the thing is that every mistake should be done once only. The same mistake shouldn't be repeated. A person who makes a new mistake every time is growing in life step by step rather than staying stagnant.
So the person who is honest to himself/herself and do the things accordingly is always carry a contentment in mind so it helps it to stay happy in life.
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