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Friday, July 19, 2024

Corporate Communication II

In the previous article of Corporate Communication(https://chhayashinde.blogspot.com/2019/03/corporate-communication.html) we have seen the basics of communication in professional life. In this article we'll see some more tips of how to achieve effective corporate communication. Today's world is competitive world. Everything is moving fast and with a greater pace with time. The one who is updated with new technologies and a move on attitude survives otherwise the one stage comes where one become stagnant and stops your progress. The mantra of this era is ‘Jack of all and Master of one’. One should have a learning attitude always. For working in IT field for over a decade i understood that there is no alternative to continuous learning. May be it is related to technology or soft skills. But it is very important to keep ourselves updated with the present market trend.

With respect to above concept I would like to mention that in previous article of Corporate Communication I; I have mentioned some etiquettes to communicate with your colleagues, your superiors and your subordinates also. Many times we mention that books are the best friends to make you learn many new things or make you aware of your hidden talents, or helping you to grow morally, intellectually and financially. Actually I would say books are the one of the best friends in your life which gives you the treasure for a lifetime that no one can snatch that from you.  Now we see many books in market which gives you knowledge to improve your corporate communication. These books really help you if you identify your weaker points and can try to improve it with the help of those books. Now in this article we’ll see some more things which will enhance your corporate etiquettes.
Though one is an engineer it is also important that he should have some knowledge of other fields also, could be related to medical, education, social causes, bio-tech and agriculture. It is difficult that one could get mastery in all those(though in previous time we had many examples who were master in engineering, architecture etc.) but at present at least one should be Jack of this to know overview of these fields. But one has to take care that while acquiring this knowledge one should be enough careful that is not gathering the false information. One should always have expert’s advice about this. Even choosing the expert or right mentor in that field to refer the literature or guidance is again a task we need wisdom. Now you will say how it is related to effective corporate communication? So as we gather the right knowledge in that field, with a better understanding; it boosts our confidence. With confidence you can put your points constructively and without hesitation. There wouldn't be 'i think' concept and there would be 'i believe' concept with the right knowledge. So it is important to increase your knowledge in a right way.

E-mail skills: 

In corporate communication it is very important that you should have better mail writing skill to communicate with the stakeholders; the business points that you want to communicate. It is said that if you are clear about what you want to communicate through words then it becomes easy for you to put it in writing. If you are good in writing business mail that is good, but if you are not then you should increase reading about it or take the occasional internal trainings in the organizations to improve your E-mail writing skills. The better you have writing skill the more sorted your thoughts are or vice versa. The better you will put your points in front of others. So it is very important that you should have better mail writing skill. The first thing you should keep in mind that the E-mail should be in simple language, no need to use very hi-fi language in it. E-mail writing skill include many things; small small things like addressing the person's first name, difference between hi and hello, specifically using first name of the person as it create more influence than the surname. The author should be knowing what he want to communicate through mail. Put it in points, don't beat about the bush or more stretch the point but write to the point, try to keep it short and sweet and in different sections(no need of paragraph but different sections).  IT company’s have acquired the trend of using the first name of the person specifically which they call as first name culture. So a fresher or intern find it difficult to adapt to it. But the mentor or the seniors should make them aware of this. So it is in practice that when we write mail that time addressing the first name of the person is a sign of fair and healthy communication. When writing corporate mail we should use business shortcuts; as there are many but can give some examples like OOF/OOO,EOD,ASAP and ETA etc.

 As I mentioned the most important thing in corporate communication is E -mail writing skill. Work on it and you would be able to write authentic mails without struggling much or asking somebody every now and then to review it. But if you are not better in writing, you feel like you can miss some points then you can ask some of your colleagues to review it also. In corporates keep most of the things in written. Let whatever it is daily tasks, your project related important things, your KT plan, your daily engaged time – like report, the daily task assigned to you in terms of deliverables or to your juniors for which you are answerable. Because at the end of the day you will find it better to keep track of things.

Corporate communications always include things to have open and empathetic communication with your colleagues including your juniors and seniors. You should give equal importance to every person. If you are a Team Lead/Manager you should have clear communication with your team members about your expectations from them; from their role and responsibilities in the team.  If you are finding some of the team members are over efficient you should get their talent focused to your superiors. When you make progress in your work you should keep in mind that you should be always helping others as well as keeping a selfless and open mind towards other’s progress. You should be also helping some of your juniors by putting their progress to a higher level in the organization because your words matter somewhere. This is healthy professional attitude which also help you in your corporate communication. While handling the team I got to know that it is very important to be helpful to junior team members where you find that they are having some weaker points and as a Team Lead/Manager you have authority to improve their weaker points by putting them to specific trainings may be technical/non-technical. There are people you will come across who have negative attitude towards the work too. I believe everybody should have mindset to have a motto of ‘Work is Worship’. When you are in a position where your words matter, some people follow your way of work ; you should have better knowledge of judging people’s attitude and training them on their weaker aspects. When you try to implement these good habits in you ; you don't need to pretend anything. You actually become that person and it brings lot of good benefits for you professionally and personally too.

This subject has more small small tips also to note down here but it is individual’s responsibility also to improve his/her personality with the help of reading more and more articles, keeping a learning attitude, improving work methodologies, practicing empathy in communication, working hard and remaining honest with the type of work they do, having transparent communicating and by reading the nature of the people they work with. It is also important that our point of view changes our vision towards world. So it is individual’s responsibility to create a healthy environment around them in the organization so that it could motivate the person itself as well as spread the positive vibes for all.

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