We as humans are social species who likes to be around
people. Likes to interact with people. Likes to exchange thoughts with people. Likes
to spend time with people. Sometimes our thought process and going in life
match with some people and with some it doesn’t match.
1. Role of Personality:
Our personality is made up of what situation we brought up
in, how we communicate with others, what values we carry while living life, what is priority for us while
living life, are we kind and generous towards others or are we callous towards
others, are we empathetic towards others, are we courteous, are we confidant
with our thoughts, do we believe that we owe something to ourselves as well as
to the entire humankind. These all aspects make our personality.
We all brought up in totally different environments
depending on our cultures, our family values, our outlook towards life, our role
models and our idols in life. Based on that we carry our emotions. We build
some perspective towards life. We may develop some beliefs towards some people based on communicating with them.
Which can generate positive and negative feelings for such people in our mind.
We also carry our ego and superego with us from our childhood. Ideally while
living life both should be in moderate and shouldn’t be overdo otherwise it
disturbs the balance in life and creates different problems. We should protect our self esteem and other's too when we deal with others. We should not suppress by somebody not to aggress to somebody. And any person having
too much ego is nothing less than having a disease. Generally, the ego may
boost in anybody as per the knowledge of the person increases or it’s what kind of brought
up the person get from the childhood. But to have a successful peaceful life this ego should
be always keep in check though the knowledge and skills may increase in life. So the ideal situation look like as Albert Einstein says –
More the knowledge less the ego. Less the knowledge more the
2. Era of Luxury:
If we see; in this era, we are living quite a luxurious life
as humans. We have so many luxuries, so much comfort in our life as compared to
human living in previous generations. Technology has really changed our life in a better way for daily living. If we look back to the previous times before 5-6
generations, the life was quite different with less luxuries, we had wars too, due to those times the challenging circumstances, too
much load on the government, on the people living in the countries, disturbing
economic conditions as well as disturbing ecosystem in the nature and so it was quite a disturbed life for human living in those countries also. In the present time we are
blessed as we don’t have wars; we don’t have adverse living situations; we are
living in peaceful era. Those who always grumble about something small small things are not good in the world they should look back to history and the
painful and challenging times those people had gone through. On the top of that
if we are living in the country like India, we are blessed by nature by both
the hands. Thereafter to mention this that this blog is not only for citizens
living in India. It is for all those who read this blog. So here count your blessings what you have rather than what you don't have. We have 2 magical words in our life i.e. Thanks and Sorry. If you use it timely and wherever needed then it changes your life in a much positive way, only the thing is that you should not use it for the sake of saying. Otherwise there is no meaning in it whether to say it or not.
3. Expressing Gratitude by saying Thanks:
Now in general if we talk about sunrising and sunset we have
daily sun rising at specific time to begin the day with and sun sets at specific
time to end the day. No major challenging climatical conditions, so many
varieties of flowers, fruits, plants, trees and vegetables. For the
entire world if we see Lord Sun is doing His duty tirelessly. Lord Sun is not
only doing His duty tirelessly but with such a discipline, sincerity,
equilibrium and still He doesn't have any ego of this work. He does this for
all the living beings on the earth. God creates the living beings and Sun plays
a role of nurturing them with its sunlight. But if we see human create
artificial things and still for doing small work also, human carries so much ego
of that. So human need to learn a lot from the nature. Human in general owe a
big thanks to the Lord Sun. Because of His this work the entire life is
nurturing on this earth.
Now the question is why the discussion is diverting towards the
nature. So, to tell we as humans are living on earth have so much variety
of green vegetables, plants, trees, birds, small and large creatures, animals
and beautiful nature to look around in different seasons. Seasons automatically
changes and Mother nature does it’s work accordingly. We owe a big thanks to
Mother Earth for all this. Then to Mother Nature. Mother Earth is extremely tolerant.
You can’t count its tolerance. She bears so much from all creatures living on
this earth, still she forgives all. Such a big heart. So much courtesy she has.
Do we express gratitude to Her? If no then we must be expressing gratitude to Her, to Lord Sun and to Mother nature. And to mention to Mother Earth we should
daily express our gratitude and ask for her forgiveness for touching Earth by
our feet. Mother nature showers so much love in terms of variety of blooming
flowers, changing seasons, growing different vegetables, fruits, kind of
plants, the beautiful colors around us in nature. It made our lives so much
colorful and beautiful. If somebody ask
me about my favorite color I could say I like all the colors because all the
colors are so beautiful God created in nature that how can we differentiate
between these colors. All these colors carry a sense of unique beauty in them
let that be nature’s dark green, leaf’s parrot green, Cassia’s blood red or orange,
the cyan or light blue of sky, the white of jasmine or the yellow of champak etc.
It makes our day delightful. Daily we
should express our gratitude to Mother Nature to surround us with so much
beauty. We must say Thanks to Lord Sun, Mother Earth and Mother Nature for all
this. Now this is about nature.
If we start implementing same thing in our daily life or having a
habit of gratitude towards the good things happened and happening in our daily
life it really makes a lot of difference to our lives. A very important habit
is a habit of looking at what you have in your life rather than what you lack
in your life. When we can make ourselves happy then only we can create a happy
environment around us. A small thanks to anybody around us who make our life
happier by little too, will help us only to lighten their face. So why we
become miserly in this. We shouldn’t let our ego or shyness or judgmental
attitude to come in between that. Express gratitude wherever and whenever
necessary. We should not let the judgmental attitude to come in between expressing gratitude to others who help us some or other way.
We should express gratitude to our family members or friends
too. Generally, we take our family members or best friends for granted and don’t
feel like expressing gratitude towards them. Taking some relation for granted
or some person for granted could be a big mistake in life. Because we are all
humans made up of blood and flesh and we all have emotions. So, everybody needs
appreciation, thankful gestures in life. If somebody say they don't expect appreciation for something then they pretend to say so. Only a true spiritually ascended person may not expect any appreciation from any human because that person is already above all this and very much interested in pleasing God and not to humans.
So, appreciate with the open heart your family members, your friends, or best friends,
to your colleagues, to the strangers who help you by some or
other way. A simple thanks from the heart or the habit of expressing gratitude bring us a longer delightful
feeling. As well as it helps you to keep your feet always on the ground. Some
people have habit of expressing gratitude for 5 good things happened to them in
a day. It is really very useful habit. It boosts your morale. When saying thank
you to anybody don’t hesitate, don’t have second thought, as it is said that we
learn some or other things from each and every person in this world. So, keep
habit of saying thank you whenever and wherever necessary and if you feel you
don't have ego that's good. But if you feel it could be your ego because of which you are not able to
say thanks to somebody then also work on your ego and don't let your ego to
come in between it. Otherwise, if you realize that you owe a thanks to somebody
still if you don’t say then you always carry a silent guilty burden on you in
4. Saying Sorry:
As I mentioned before while living life, we understand that
our thoughts may or may not match with others, may be with the family members,
colleagues at work or friends. Now when dealing with somebody you may do
mistakes so you must say sorry to them and come out of that situation to bring
peace to the situation. When we are at mistake that that time to say sorry to other
person is a normal expected behavior, which should be done. Thereafter I have seen some people male/female though grown ups or elders quite immature and egoistic and find it very difficult to say
sorry for their mistakes also. They find saying sorry is like climbing a mountain. And in such situation some in order to cover up their mistake don't say sorry but they do
some more weird things which lead them to do immoral things also. Which again increases their problems. So it is needed to keep it simple and sorted.
Many times, we noticed that if it is not our mistake too still
we are blamed. And if the opposite person is quite immature or egoistic then to
patch up, to lessen our trouble or bring peace in the situation we need to say sorry. Here we should know
what is important to us whether peace of our mind or revolving in these unpleasant situations. Having ego is different than being egoistic. Everybody should have ego for their sustenance only but not to act as egoistic.
Now when we are not at mistake then also it's ok to say
sorry or forgive the other person. Yes, when you are not at mistake and other
person may be fool, or egoistic or not able to adjust with situation then also
you to say sorry to the other person is not a big deal, this way you can bring
peace to yourself and to the situation. After that if you want then you can
ignore the other person also. Our ultimate goal in our life should be to live
peacefully and happily and not to waste time in useless chaos in these situations.
But before all this it is important to analyze the situation from neutral point
of view and then to say who is at mistake. If you are not able to analyze the
situation then try to get the analysis by a third person's neutral point of
view. And forgive the person. Later you can decide whether to ignore the
communication with the other person in order to bring peace to you. It requires
a courageous heart to forgive others. A courteous nature to say sorry when you
are not at mistake. If the other person is not able to adjust with the situation in spite of their mistake you can adjust for your emotional wellbeing.
There is joke for this. 2 people are going on staircases one is climbing the staircase and other is getting down. And at one point they come face to face where one has to climb the next step and other has to get down from the staircase. Now who will step back. The person who was getting down says 'I don't move for fools.' So the person who was climbing the stairs he step back, smiled and he says ' But i do.' 😄. So just by saying sorry or forgiving another person you
actually do nothing; you just come out of that unpleasant loop. So just say
sorry and come out of that. This way you do favor to you. But when you don’t
forgive others for their mistakes you actually play in the wrong hands and
create more harm to your emotions and yourself.
This is just simply writing it but is it that simple? The
business of forgiving somebody or saying sorry for their mistakes. Absolutely
not. It requires higher level of maturity and a big and courageous heart to forgive
somebody who harm your emotion wellbeing somehow, let whoever that person is
whether a family member or outsider. If you are lucky in
life you meet some quite wonderful people in your life who change your life miraculously
in a good way and if you are unlucky somewhere then you find some bad; or not so good people
in your life who really mess a lot with your emotions and then you find it
impossible to forgive such people. Till you don't forgive them you play a constant battle in your mind. And that one should not do.
We should always move forward in life and not to look back and not to be in touch with those people
who once created problems in your life. Because if again you come in contact with them you are doing harm to your emotions and move back and forth in your emotions. If you think that the person may have changed; it never happen so. If you again keep contact with them some or other day again you will see the unhappiness caused by them in your life.
The impact of somebody does bad to you is more than
good may be that’s why a human has general tendency to remember something bad
somebody done to you rather than what good that person does for you. The more one live with reality and practically the more good
it is for the wellbeing of the person. If we need to learn something from nature to this ; is that when you see how a river is flowing, continuously though some small, big stones come in her way and that too in the forward direction. So like this human life's should be always flowing and that to in the forward direction, no need to look back and not to be in touch with not so good connections.
To summarize this i don't mean to say sorry, sorry and thank you, thank you all the time; not at all. But whenever and
wherever necessary say it, say it from heart , don't hesitate. Because we live in the world ;in the
loop of thanks and sorry. And especially for gratitude feelings and expressing
gratitude to others ; when you do it; it works like magic, it draws lot of good vibrations
towards you in your life and you yourself feel the difference.