Some individuals have habit of thinking in positive direction so it's good as it give assertive direction in life. And there should be limit to it. But some individuals have the habit of thinking about past always. It may be natural. On the top of that there are people who appreciate the good things in their life. And compare their past with the present things in life. Like how much they progressed and how much they lag behind achieving something. But there are people who always grumble about their shortcoming’s life; instead of what is there, what is not there in their life, in short; always not happy with life. Or some face some bad incidences in life. Some has very small small memories which made their past life miserable. So if the present is good then also they always think about past. Too much thinking also lead to many problems in life. But too much thinking about past also lead to many emotional, mental problems as well as psychosomatic diseases. If the person is again and again thinking about small small unhappiness of the past experiences or those people who struggle too much in life and then that thing they remind again as their past experiences then also they could get psychosomatic diseases. For the miserable past the attitude should be it is bygones so need to keep it bygones and need to be cautious and assertive towards present and future.
So to mention why to think about past regularly? You will say if the past is good then can’t we think. I will say if the past is good it will motivate you. But keep it as a moment only to think if it will please you or remind you of some reward in life. But not to make it a habit. Thinking about past is not good at all, whether it is good past or bad past. Because somehow you lose your thinking control from present and go to past memories. Which is not going to help you anyhow.
For imperfect things happened in past you can’t go back and change the past. Or make it more perfect. So why to think about the past and make the present stressful, or spoil it. Human is killing his present joy by this. It is very easy to write this. But very difficult to implement. But it can be achieved by lot of hard work on your mind. It’s not a one day or night's job. It’s the years and years study of your mind, your surroundings and what you expect from life. In short thinking about past memories shouldn’t be done whether they are good or bad. Human make lot of problems in life just by merely thinking on the past as well as future problems itself.
While living life also we should have much control on life. It is not easy as well as I said it is not one day thing. The change won’t happen in one day. Many people acquire this skill by lot of study of human emotions and some with spirituality also. As everyone know today’s human is confused, he has lot of enticements which could be false also. In this process it is very difficult to mold the mind to think in a better, optimistic and assertive way. But with a longer practice it is possible. Most importantly we should be clear with it what is needed in life and what is most important in life. e.g. earning money in life is need, essential part of life. But getting peace of mind is important part of life. So in order to get this, developing your mind and thought process in such a way is very important in life.
Many people in today’s word we find have uncontrollable ambitious. They want everything in life and with a jet speed. They work very hard, giving injustice to their body, mind, may be soul also and brain. They make huge plans and in this what is happening -- they continuously think fast, think more futuristic. Make many plans and whatever. I agree there are some professions and positions where a long term planning is needed. There is nothing wrong in planning with a long term goal also, if it is strategic. e.g. We take an example. Suppose there is one CEO of some company and it is his monthly activity to keep a futuristic attitude and plan for his company keeping a goal of 10 years or 20 years ahead of time in order to have growth in revenue and products for the organization. But here it is needed to play altogether a different strategy. This we are not discussing here. We are discussing about without any as such role thinking about future a lot.
It is not at all good to think about future a lot. Where we don’t have control as humans. Actually we should respect God who has created this world and the things which are not in human’s hand we should leave it to Him. Planning should be thought and implemented from small goals. Like plan for a year, a month, a week and a day. And then start implementing it. But don’t plan like after 10 years what I will be doing or something like this. It’s going to take lot of your brain cells to think about this and gradually making you more impulsive to work for it , inversely more engaging all the internal organs in your body to work for it. Don’t you think it’s more tiring to your body and brain? Obviously people invite lot of diseases by this. So don’t think about future a lot. Be in present. Live in present. These days there is lot articles you will find on mindfulness. Because some people show they are in present moment but thinking about past or future. Make your present good. Try to live the present moments beautifully, finding a silver line to your ought to jobs, trying to find a bit of happiness in unhappy conditions also, this way you will make your present good. So your future will follow the best. Obviously this era’s human has quite hasty life. So it is challenge for him to set his life properly and live in a happy and healthy way. That’s why thinking in a proper manner is needed but not thinking too much about past or future life.