But at present food is not limited to eating only ; it has developed a completely new branch in education and business which is flourished like anything in these days. Culinary skill which was considered as supposed to be in the families; now has got many professional degrees in Universities and good job openings and businesses too. Even entry of men in this field also drew lot of population in this field. And so the competition is also increased. Culinary skill which was supposed to be taught in restaurants or in bakeries locally to other men or women has got entry to various professional degrees in universities. Previously only ladies used to cook food. But at present i see many best men chefs who cook the best of food and even i acknowledged it that some relate their recipes to their mother or grand mother's recipes.
When we talk about cooking. I believe anybody can cook. Joke apart if you are really foodie or have love for cooking then you will enjoy this film as Ratatouille ( This film set mostly in Paris). But anybody can't become best cook. In previous time only women used to cook , hardly some men used to cook. A women should cook it was unsaid rule. But as women started working outside due to job or business in short for their career a new unsaid rule came that men is expected to cook to divide the family responsibilities or to run the family smoothly. Whatever it is. It is completely different aspect. But i am to the point that a women must know cooking.
As anybody can cook but the real task is to become the best cook. Cooking is an art. It is the art which is watered with the expensive ingredient called love. Why i say expensive because anybody can cook but to cook with kindness and love all the time is real skill. And i learned this skill from my mother. I see she can cook with equal enthusiasm, patience, love and care for her family. With cooking we understand what kind of food we are feeding to the family. What is getting extra and what is lacking. A gourmet can easily figure it out. When i was in 7th standard i started cooking experiments. Actually because of my studies for 10th, 12th and then Engineering my mother never used to ask me to cook. Though i was liking it a lot. She used to say after you finish your studies then you do. But as i was liking to cook i used to cook in between, used to do different experiments in cooking; the first recipe i tried khichadi (Indian traditional dish made of dal and rice and some spices) and then later when that led to biryani i also don't know. After i finished my studies then i joined IT company that time also i used to ask my mother to teach me cooking( though till the time i was able to cook properly but i was expecting to cook most of the Indian traditional recipes) otherwise how i will learn it. But she used to say you can do it, it is not that difficult. And as the time passed today i can cook almost everything in Maharashtrian, non Maharashtrian recipes and best of some Maharashtrian recipes too.
My mother herself is best in cooking. And the Diwali (Indian traditional festival in Hindu culture) homemade sweets which she prepares that i like only from her hand and not prepared by others. Even i could achieve some expertise in some of the Diwali sweet items from her. To this point honestly speaking my mother never taught me cooking formally but she made me to observe her unknowingly when she was cooking and like that i learned cooking. So one day she said i was knowing it is easy for you to learn cooking you just needed to observe me how i cook. And now i myself can cook best as others say. I am not a foodie. But i like to cook different recipes. I have good collection of recipe books also out of which the one of my favorite is Mrs. Jayashree Deshpande, wife of Pu La Deshpande's(a well known author from Marathi literature in India) book. Even if i see some new recipe on social media i try to customize it as per my liking and prepare it. But what is basic thing i have in this is liking for cooking. Which is very important.
Cooking is not easy as it is like preparing food for a "यज्ञ कर्म" (yajna karma). Like when we perform यज्ञ (yajna - from Indian tradition, in Hinduism, yajna is a ritual of offering to the Gods that involves a sacred fire and also known as Havan. Yajnas are purposeful and can be performed to sustain the natural order of the Universe. Yajnas are performed in front of a sacred fire, often with mantras. The ritual requires the performer and objects used to be pure and the ritual to be performed correctly.) that time we put so many items in it to satisfy the five tattvas in the Universe. When the food you prepare is best and eaten by somebody you are satisfying their test buds, fulfilling the hunger of their stomach and satisfying their soul. Which gives you blessing that's why you become one part in the chain of delivering food to the hungry. If you know the food chain then it is this way; first the God who makes the grains or seeds available then it the farmer who sow the grains or seeds and grow crops, then the supplier who buys it from farmer, then the shopkeeper then the household owner who buys it then the one who cooks the food and makes it available to you for eating. So after eating that food we should express your gratitude to all the people in the food chain who makes the food available and ready to eat; this including the God and after eating the food we should say "अन्नदाता सुखी भव:" (Annadata sukhi bhava) to express the gratitude towards them.
Every pumpkin fruit has different design, different shades, some dark green, some orange itself so many shades some light and some dark shades, some light green with the unique designs on the pumpkin. You just keep on observing it. And when i see the color and design i could say only this statement " Wow what a creativity. God is great,". Such a creativity He has. If you know about Zen system in spirituality, Zen creates different patterns with pebbles in such a way that every pattern is unique and should not be repeated again. So once you keep on looking at the pattern the person gradually attains the state of thoughtlessness for some time. Thoughtlessness means the state of having no thoughts at all. And this can be achieved for some microseconds/seconds/minutes. When the person starts looking at the Zen pattern the motive is this only to make that person thoughtlessness for some time. Then that person get one thought and then the other thought so the time span in between these 2 thoughts that is expected to get increased by microseconds, then seconds and then minutes in this. It helps the person to control the thoughts. It is not about this one statement only. This process may take lot of time , may be days, months depending on that individual. Likewise when you keep on seeing the different designs on the pumpkin itself for the fraction of seconds we forget the other things and just keep on observing it as it is so unique and beautiful. And it gives us happiness by praising that creative work of God.
So i say cooking is an art it is not like just to cook food. But to cook the hygienic and best and tasty food and then the part comes to decorate and present the food in best way.