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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Corporate Communication I

Human is different from other species in terms of speech, gestures, feelings, the freedom to express his feelings and the most important thing is having a conscious and sub-conscious mind. Human can talk; but there can be exceptions, that the people who are cursed by destiny to become dumb throughout their life. But one should feel blessed that we can talk. We should make good use of this boon by God.

Talking is very important in our lives as it is going to make ourselves available to express our feelings through words. But do we give justice to our tongue? Scientifically it is proved that we are required to use only 80,000 words in our entire life but do we use those many words only...? Obviously no. Well there are exceptions like teachers, professors, engineers, doctors, lawyers, private firm owners they need to talk much as part of their work profession.

Well only talking in not important otherwise it just create a mess creation and most irritating thing to other people who listen. Like some people talk just to highlight that their presence is there. Some to make show off to other people. And most of the times there may be no sense in that talking. So to communicate effectively is again an art. Effective communication is always very important as it can make a successful situation or if not effective communication then can disturb a good situation also. Everyone may not be master of it. So how do we communicate daily? There could be many facets to this topic. Do we talk politely? Do we get angry easily? Do we feel kind-hearted when we talk with others? Do we talk confidently ? Do we feel pleasure in helping others by giving them solace words in their bad situation? Do we feel underestimated, timid, with low self-esteem while talking with others? Do we scream while talking ? Do we talk smartly? Do we talk aggressively? Or Do we feel pleasure in talking sarcastically? 

Our habit to communicate with others totally depends on how our brought up environment is there and hoe much we worked on our strengths and weaknesses. Actually much of our communication skill come from the brought up environment we get, including manners our parents, teachers taught us and how did we use it in our communication. The study of our mind as well as how many books we read and implemented in order to groom our personal and professional communication? No one is perfect by birth. But as the child grows he has to find out the limitations in personality and should work on improving it by taking guidance from elders, role models, mentors or with the help of different soft skills books or training sessions. Even live examples also help us greatly. e.g. If the person is timid of talking to people or in front of a crowd he should try all efforts to take out that fear from mind and should try to talk with a conscious mind more with different people without perception or with the fear that how they will react. And that too only talking freely is not important but to understand what to talk, how much to talk and what not to talk is also important to understand. And as the person grows with knowledge, experience, maturity(expected to come with age) and with surrounding situations' he is expected to understand it. 

Now how to have effective corporate communication? Nowadays we see that everyone is growing globally; especially the person who has lot of ambitions in life. From childhood when we have some personal traits to communicate with others these are really going to help us in our corporate communication. There are some rules those we need to obey so that it will become part of our personality. When we communicate - first of all see the human being globally. Don't talk to any human being by having some preconceptions of religion, caste, races or whatever in mind. Every human being has its own self-esteem. Always try to protect your self-esteem and try to maintain others self-esteem too. When we talk in corporate world it is very necessary to respect other’s thoughts to respect them as a human being. When we talk with others keep a habit of listening to others more rather than talking more. I know in first few conversations we need to talk much but at least after introduction you must pace yourself with the flow for maintaining a good communication. To whomsoever you talk must talk in such a way that your words would be effective when you talk, don’t make a showoff, people should find you listening to more interestingly. Your body language also plays very effective role in it. People shouldn’t find your speech boring; if they you must put full stop to your talking if necessary. When you talk in meetings make eye-contacts with all the members in order to notice them that, you are not ignoring anybody. That is also one way of respecting others. When we talk; maintaining eye-contact is primarily important because its going to show that fellow; that your are listening them, you are paying attention to the conversation, you are not absent minded and you are respecting them. When we grow globally it is very important to know how to have an effective corporate communicate because we deal with people of different states, different countries, different religions and what not. e.g. In India when we address anybody first name culture was not much to be considered at the starting of 21st century . If it is there it's ok but if it is not then also ok but in some countries outside India first name culture is highlighted. And some may specifically tell the other person to use the first name culture otherwise it becomes unlikeable thing for them.  

I have experienced may freshers in professional life communicate with juniors and seniors too like they are talking with their friend. It is a big 'No'. If the person is junior then also you should understand that you are not in collage but you have ended your academics and working in corporates now. Where your colleagues are may not your friends. The earlier you will understand this the more successful you will become in your professional life. Always understand the professional line drawn in your career to start with. Even if the other person is senior to you; you may follow the first name culture but while communicating ; respect is utmost important for that person. So don't try to talk as a friend but talk as you are talking some senior person in your field who carry some technical skills, some expertise and more experience than you. Though some people have communication skill as they try to make you feel familiar within some conversations thereafter you shouldn't forget your professional line and should communicate accordingly. 

In corporate communication there are situations come when only soft talk doesn’t work. Only soft talk goes nowhere when it is not diplomatic talk. So talking diplomatically is also important. And effective communication is required. I mean put your thoughts in a well manner that it may not be merely too soft but to the point. Always have a habit of talking to the point rather than beating about the bush. Because as our time is important so others. People may not like those who waste their and others time too. Otherwise get ready to hear some ignoring comments. As well as don't have a always complaining attitude. If you need to highlight something just put it in the right words and come out of that conversation; don't highlight the situation again and again and stretch the situation. Communicating empathically is also important than mere understanding somebody's pain points. Only understanding the pain points and not trying to communicate back with the empathetic words is not effective communication. So communicate with empathetic words too. It is like not listen only to reply but listen to communicate effectively as per the situation. 

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