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Monday, May 15, 2017

Managing Stress

Disclaimer: This blog is not focusing on any medical related things for stress, not suggesting any kind of medication. 

I believe after a certain age we start living life with certain goals in mind. Sometimes after introspection we analyze our life and come to the conclusion of how should be our life. Everyone desire to live life happily so how to become always happy in life? Is it that simple or is it that difficult? Whatever our mind thinks our life becomes like that only. I believe life always give you practical examination with certain questions and most of the times the questions are different than previous once and could be combination of easy and difficult questions. Those we called problems. Some problems we solve very easily and some problems really need our dedication, focus and lot of patience to solve it. Some problems need to leave like that for time to solve it.


If we are in some problem then we think, if the problem persists then what will happen next. Again it depends on the severity of the problem. But here we should not miss one important aspect of life; as to think in a positive way that something good can happen out of that. Every problem teach us something. If we focus on this aspect then we come near to the neutral mentality. So keep this attitude and you will see that every problem teach you something or other. If we constantly have positive thoughts in our mind and we focus on that only then really something good happen out of the problematic situation also. But if we have doubts in mind, get scared of the situation, have fear and insecurity in mind and then we think about that problem that something bad will happen; really something bad happens. If you see something positive in negative or challenging situation also then definitely it could be a good lesson for you to boost your self-esteem, to improve your life's problem solving capacity and quality. So it is always better to be positive while tackling negative situations. Our world is what we see with our eyes that only it reflects.

Now depending on the type of the problems and having hasty lifestyle, improper management of time creates stress in our body. Stress is one of the disliked topic and not to be look at it kind of. People who have gone through stress will definitely say it’s very simple to write down thoughts in article but once when one go through stress then only that person understands what he/she is going through. This article won’t suggest you any kind of medical related things but this article will help you to change your point of view towards the small small things you face in your daily life. Which will help you to minimize the daily stress and to live life happily and to keep the stress away.

What exactly stress is?

Stress is the situation of mind which creates fatigue in your body as a result of any non-handling situation. In simple way if any situation you find as out of your control then it creates stress.

What are the symptoms of stress?

Stress creates some handling and non-handling situations in your body. Stress in a mild way for certain things is good for some level as some situation builds your confidence, high self-esteem, increases your stamina. e.g. appearing for academic examination, talking in front of large audience, talking with stranger people, expressing your point of view to new people, disciplining yourself for exercising daily. These some initially stressful situations if being handled properly then they generate long term good results for you. As once you overcome it in a better way it glitters your personality, add some skills to your personality and it boosts your self confidence. If you know you get 
stress at the time of examination then this kind of stress make you to prepare good for examination and so force you to perform good in examination and in a much managerial way. It boosts your confidence; it really makes you perform well. Stress at the time of any interview, presentation, talking in front of large audience is also obvious. You can overcome it by taking those tasks again and again and taking out that fear from mind, practicing mock presentations. You can practice it on small levels and then on bigger levels. Trying to take challenges related to it and completing it and then after completion of such challenges then patting on your back (means giving small treat to yourself, e.g. eating out ice-cream, pastry, likeable sweets or eating out in your favorite restaurant, or doing something in a small way which you like as a reward). This also boosts your self confidence. Giving reward to yourself after completion of any challenging situation is important. Then you acknowledges it as you are able to help it to sidetrack the stress and excel in that area. But if the stress is going to happen frequently it really affects the confidence and body functioning. So timely right action to control it , is important.

But there are some stressful situations which can’t be handled by small changes in your personality or in your lifestyle. In this case one has to decide what are the limitations you have, what is the situation and what is the outcome you are expecting? If the expected situation is quite out of control then it will create more stress in you. In those cases you can analyze how to reduce your expectations or how to fit the situation which could solve the problem. You can take help of friends or experts in that area to solve your problem. The general stress symptoms everybody from your childhood could be facing in your school/college exams or doing some activity which you have fear for are: 

1. Dryness in mouth
2. Shivering of hands and legs
3. Feeling upset or can’t able to put attention in anything
4. Increase of heart beats
5. Fear in mind about particular thing
6. Anxiety for small things

These are the symptoms of stress. Many stress related situations if not handled properly or neglected for years and years can cause complicated deceases in body. So beware on stress related symptoms and take caution that it should not grow in much higher level. Try to control it earlier and take action accordingly.

How to manage stress in life?

1. Managing time
2. Managing goals
3. Managing relations with family and public
4. How to stay happy while handling stress?

     1. Managing Time:

We live in a competitive world. Most of the people are running in a rat race. If you are not running in rat race then you are lucky. I always believe that my competition is always with me only. And there could be lot of scope for improvement in various areas for me. Like i believe if you also think so then you are eliminating one stress factor from your life. But we see most of the people doesn't have patience to work hard and have general understanding of to work less and want results in instant time. In this if you are competing with others and part of rat race then it would be very energy exhaustive to you. 

Addition to that whether you are part of rat race or not everyone of us is somehow ignoring the health and wants to earn money and success in less time. Everyone is complaining for shortage of time for completing the daily tasks. This creates stress. Take simple example of improper eating habits. Like reading newspaper while having breakfast, browsing mobile phone while eating food, eating in a hurry or eating lot of junk and processed food. Not following the meal time. Improper and hasty eating habits lead to different deceases in the body. This affects mood and working efficiency also. Person feel uneasiness, dullness and easily get tired. We should manage our time in a proper way so that we should not be in a hurry at least while eating food, while going to office or work or while doing our daily tasks. Every work has to be given some grace time by knowing your stronger and weaker points. So the haste part can be avoided. When we talk with some wise old people; if they used to understand something they used to act on that so that it shouldn't happen again, the old habit or something. But the problem of this era is today if the youngster understands the problem and solution for it thereafter not able to take proper action on it. So the old habit recurs again and again and it gets stuck in the vicious cycle. You should understand your shortcomings and accordingly need to work on it. It is really going to reduce the stress in a major way. 

Same things apply to invest time in arranging meetings and completing our daily tasks in desired time. I feel we really have to plan grace time for each activity. It is also important to prioritize our work. The work which we don't like and take lot of time. That work should be completed first. But sometimes we need motivation too on those days you can do the work which you like and so can be done earlier too. This way person can help to reduce his/her stress in much bigger way which is induced by not managing time.

2. Managing Goals: 

Every person has some goals in life. It is very important that everyone should have some planned goals in life. This really helps the person to go ahead in life effectively. Working without any direction in life is not going to give fruitful results so always work in the desired direction. This does not create stress in life or reduce the intensity of stress in life. We can plan for weekly goals, monthly goals and yearly goals. This is also helpful. Other way if some person has a habit of writing thoughts or future goals in diary this also helps the person a lot in order to track the progress of the goals and to fulfil the goals. As well as only jotting down goals in diary won’t help we should follow it and check the progress eventually. But we must plan realistic goals not the unrealistic goals. We can’t live in fantasies always.


3. Managing relations with family and public:

In previous time say we look back before 50 years or something we find that those people who were living life they were not knowing what stress is. Actually tension was the word which was quite far from them. But in today’s world we see that most of the people talk about tension. Again there are multiple reasons for having tension in life. But one of that is communication or conflict with or outside family also. In general we are going far from our parents, our best pals in communication; though mobile and internet has reduced the distance between our parents and our outside world. Thereafter whatever past communication used to happen from elders to youngsters in the family in order to make them feel that they have quite secure support in their home. This feeling has taken a bit unrealistic mode in today’s world. I can understand that for a working man/woman how 24 hrs. passes he/she does not understand. The tasks are many and the time gets is less. At least we have boon of science in terms of internet and mobile to reduce the distance between our family members. But still that more of a face to face communication has taken a backstep. So many children, teenagers and youths also go through stress.

Indian relations are known in the world for their firm bonding in family with affection and love. I guess and it is really important. It is really important to know that a person has a secure healthy support in family. Family bonding is very important whether it is with your parents, your siblings, your husband or wife or with your children. This also helps the person to build a stronger mind and fight against stress. (Here you must know who are your true well-wishers, not the pretenders, not the one who look for every opportunity to take benefit from you). A friendly support from a true or best friend or timely communication, interaction of thoughts, interaction on present job or business trends, talking on diverse topics, as well as on your problems in life with him or her also help to reduce stress in life. 

While dealing with public relations we must understand where we are heading, what we are dealing with. When we deal with new personality always keep a clear mind in terms of thoughts. Don’t jumble with perceptions. Read the person a lot on how he or she talks, behaves and possesses the thoughts. Then come to the conclusion. Don’t come to conclusion so early that for some negative conclusions you need to repent in future. As again judging is a play. Whether it is related to person or situation. And this play works entirely as your thinking capability, understanding and experiences in life. So in the starting better not to have perceptions instead have a open mind. How we grown up, what the manners and the brought up gave us it also makes a good personality. This way we start respecting ourself and others. Which help us to live life happily. Conflicts with other personalities make you irritated and also continuous interaction with such people creates stress in us. If it is a daily thing then really it is going to disturb your peace of mind. As far as possible to you ignore the person or situation. But if is mandatory to deal with, then face it in a better way. Better try to do changes which you can; in your circumstances as per requirement while sticking to your principles, morals and ethics. We can't change others but we can change ourselves. So better be like this rather than complaining for others. When we deal with others keep in mind the surrounding, the situation, your expectations and other’s expectations. You don’t need to be more aggressive or submissive but always try to protect your self esteem and others self esteem. This will make you a healthy personality which will make you to reduce conflict with others and so the stress would be less.

 4. How to stay happy while handling stress? 

We have seen some symptoms, causes and some things to change in our daily life to reduce stressful situations. If stress does not happen it`s rare and bliss but if it happens regularly then how to handle it? First of all find out the situation which causes you frequent stress. If it is your anxiety, unnecessary fear try to take it out from your mind. In this activity reading books as per your liking, overcoming the fear, boosting the self-confidence, growing morally and ethically, acquiring some hobbies will help you to keep yourself happy. Reading is such a activity that you will lose nothing but gain knowledge in multiples of it. It is necessary for a human being to cultivate his or her thoughts. Reading on personality development, positive thinking, positive living life, improving communication this type of literature really help you to build your self-esteem and overcome fear in our mind.

Once you will get the cause for having stress for the reason note down the causes and effective action on that. There are only three type of problems those come in terms of- People, Person and Money. People and person we have seen. Most of our problems are revolved around money. I call it Vitamin M also. Our standard of living is improved. Everyone wants money easily with fewer efforts in order to have lavish lifestyle. Everyone wants to earn money while not paying attention to their health. It is actually creating reverse effect. We are earning money but at the cost of health. It is totally wrong because it is only creating stress. 'A healthy mind is in a healthy body' so always try to maintain your health in a proper way. Health is really wealth which makes us enjoy the beauties of life. God has created this beautiful world for all creatures. So never compromise with your health. Whatever God has given to human being in terms of health that's it. Try to take care of it by not overburdening it. Try to live a happy life while completing your daily work in a more effective way.

Even don't try to ask this question that why me for any unpleasant situation rather search what positive can come out of that situation and face it boldly. Every situation in life will teach you something good for you. Actually keep an attitude of thanking God for whatever he has given to you because if you see people around they are more cursed people than you. It says there are 1 lac people daily who strive to live a life that you live today. So thank God for everything you get in life. So welcome the problems with big heart so that you can find out ways to your problems with much confidence and positivity. This way you are really going to have a happy time throughout. While living life it is very important to stay happy in mind, enthusiasm in mind, honest to your work, having healthy communication with all people you know. This type of behavior boosts your self-esteem and makes you happy. Be realistic, have faith in God, don't become superstitious but have faith in realistic things. Have confidence in whatever you do. Try to know yourself and live life which is truly honest to you. Don't lie to yourself but have true feelings about what you do. If you know yourself you don't need to explain yourself to some other one. This alone feeling is going to create immense joy in your life.

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